试试Upstudio 3.1.2和3台cetus打印机,一个普通的MK1,普通的MK3和一个高的MK3。
我在Z轴精度/校准方面有问题。打印20mm XYZ立方体(事情:1278865在Thingiverse),并在魔杖的“模型校准设置”中玩Z校准值。为了在Z上获得20mm的效果,所有3台打印机的Z值都必须为2.5%。然后我试着打印这些灯丝样本(Thingiverse上的3346069)。它们正好是2.2毫米厚(0.4喷嘴和0.2毫米层,正好11层)。3台打印机的厚度都是2.6毫米,而不是2.2毫米。在旧的Upstudio 2上,他们精确地打印2.2毫米,但大多数压花文本无法打印。在Upstudio 3上,压纹文字打印的还可以(虽然不如其他贴在页面上的文字打印的好),但厚度始终是2.6毫米。然后我尝试打印不同大小的基本立方体形状,0.4毫米变成0.6毫米,等等。看起来打印机总是增加0.2毫米。 It is not noticeable for large objects, but for small ones it is impossible to print anything precise. Tried all sorts of different settings, not sure how to solve this. Also the built in calibration object - great idea but it is hard to measure those diagonals accurately. Also, I get the 80, 80, 50mm just fine, except when I print that 2.2mm swatch, it always comes at 2.6mm…