I guess you can tell F-secure it is not a malware?:微微微笑的脸:

Hi all.

I’m not criticizing TT here or trying to stir up trouble, I’m simply trying to provide information to aid making things better in the future.



Anyway, enough of that, here’s looking forward to trying the new slicer:grinning:


one reason would be to invert the axis from 3rd party slicer to work with the selected tiertime machine. but if you get this slicer right the need for 3rd party slicers should be reduced…


你好。我试图注册catfish beta,在电子邮件中获得了代码,但是当我在执行“register”命令后将代码输入到字段时,应用程序会告诉我重新启动应用程序。但重启后,我仍然无法导出gcode/tsk,因为它仍然告诉我注册应用程序。我做错什么了吗?我需要粘贴代码吗?

The Registration Form has error, can’t send the whole code. We are fixing.

@Jason-TTAre there some instruction on how to use this? I haven’t registered yet but I can load, slice, scale and move models. How can I do the following:

  • Change the view rotation center to properly zoom in and check the slicing? (it always zooms to edge of build plate and I can’t see the model.
  • 使用mx、my、mz命令将模型平放在床上而不用猜测?
  • Export .tsk file?

The ReadMe file provided is not in English.

It’s great that you’re building a faster slicer but slicing time is not that important especially considering print time far exceed this anyway. Saving 2min on my slice time won’t help my 30hr print too much. That time and more will be lost anyway as I will need to export to .tsk and then import to Up Studio to print.

它会更好的选项添加到Up-studio like wall thickness etc.It would be even better to simply fix the infill offset error so that everyone is happy with Up-studio’s slicer in the first place:External surfaces not bonding to infill. Major bug


•Change the view rotation center to properly zoom in and check the slicing? (it always zooms to edge of build plate and I can’t see the model.

You can use arrow keys to adjust the view center

•Place the model flat on the bed without guessing using mx,my,mz commands?
Select model by clicking it (or press A to select all), then press P to place in the middle and onto the surface. Then press X and left-drag mouse to move it along x-y plane.

•Export .tsk file?
click the “slice” button and then click the “path” button.

You may refer to download page for more instructions.

We have resent activation codes to users that cannot activate with previous codes, as the submission process cause certain digits to be lost. Now all fixed.

谢谢@Jason-TTfor the information. I missed the instructions on the download page.

I’m still unable to register, the code I’ve been emailed did not work. I didn’t receive a resend of the activation code. I’ve tried to re-register can you please check this code.

I just received the registration code (works), but now I get the message when I run catfish:
Can`t load platform file


I still can’t get this slicer to Print. I’m getting the following error:


I’ve also noticed Catfish does not yet support ASCII STL files. It just interprets them as binary and of course the shape is very wrong.


You may update UP Studio, make sure the comptuer is accessible to internet, then connect the machine to UP Studio and change the material setting.

For ASCII STL, it should able to support it. If you find any stl has problem, you are welcome to send it to me and we will analyze what happened.:微微微笑的脸:

I’m running Up Studio Both the printer and Up Studio say the machine is loaded with ABS+ so everything is consistent. Connection to printer is fine.
我可以加载.tsk文件,然后查看Up studio中的路径。当我尝试打印时,它会发送到打印机,但随后失败并显示该消息。

ASCII stil文件来自此模型:https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3758189
Up studio has no problem with these files but Catfish shows random faces.

The point is you have to allow UP Studio to download the latest material profiel ID from the cloud and then change the material setting in UP Studio to reset the profile ID.

Ok, how do I know if the latest profile is downloaded?

Also please make sure these setting are matching:

I have them both set to ABS+ in Catfish.
I’ll leave Up studio running for some time and see what happens.

Some off things I’ve noticed so far:

Each consecutive layer when slicing has a different profile width. E.g. if I set “profile” to 2 every 2nd layer has an edge width of 2 but every other layer is 3. I guess this would print okay but I don’t know if it’s intentional.


@Jason-TTcan you please confirm that using ABS+ does work on UP300 with Catfish 1.2.4_0944883400.
I left the printer and PC idle for an hour but there did not seem to be any material updates.

Settings in Catfish are below: