I was planning on providing sufficient documentation along with any reveal-pictures of my MKII printer setup, but time is passing too quickly these days and I’m experiencing very tough days with severe pain from a car-accident many moons ago…so this picture is posted without supporting documentation. Heck, I was even planning an Internet Contest with many cool prizes along with the introduction of my collection of mods for this printer.
Improving/designing industrial and general consumer products has been an enjoyable focus for many decades, I’m not going to waste任何的我的time or yours discussing where I’ve been professionally to support my works. I’ll just say “I’ve kinda got-a-knack for a bunch-of-differing-stuff”
以上:挤出机电机可在垂直和水平,喷嘴和加热器块中可调节,可在垂直和水平的风扇/管道组件中旋转的垂直和水平,风扇/管道组件。摇滚固体喷嘴安装为极其准确的缩回,层高,层宽和垂直对准。喷嘴的垂直位置是最重要的预防性维护任务之一,用于无错误和准确的打印。保持喷嘴的圆形铝也降低了喷嘴的顶部热区。固定,对齐和清洁喷嘴是迄今为止您可以在您的Cetus中可靠/准确的印刷品中的最佳选择. The filament you see loaded is Ninjatek Armadillow.
我刚用犰狳丝绸印刷我的第一个模型,只有problem I have is I’m experiencing too much temperature-swing …this filament has a very-tight temperature tolerance and is the reason why the photo above has surface artifacts and the bridging somewhat failed(among many other reasons)…while printing I had to turn the fan on-and-off repeatedly to keep the temp within the 4 degrees celsius tolerance needed for the quality I’m looking for.
七月六加: you may notice the head of the socket-head screw, just to the right, in the rail, is closer to the surface of the rail compared to other rail fastener heads. This screw is 6/32" x 20mm long, the screws main function is to lessen the horizontal axial-torque in the extrusion. When you provide ultimate-strength stabilization to the nozzle assembly, z-axis tower and x-axis, you are now left with the lesser noticeable structural forces/variables governing print-quality…axial-torque and linear guide-block tolerances. The 6/32" x 20mm fastens the guide-rail to the other side of the y-axis extrusion arm…there are 3 locations I’ve employed y-axis axial-torque limiters.
cheers and good journeys folks!