检查皮带和轴承端。您可能已经丢失了皮带上的牙齿,或者更容易在带有弹簧张力的情况下在带轮中绑定的带有异物,因为在归巢的情况下在减小的扭矩下运行,以充分利用当前负荷感测的归位的扭转力。从来没有发生过我的cetus,但cetus是新的(〜100小时的运行时间)。I have thousands of hours on my laser cutter, and have had to its crap belts with proper Gates G2’s due to lost teeth, it also uses current sensing stepper drivers for homing and any little thing will set it off during homing, but it will drive through (which is worse things get broke that way on that machine,) during normal speeds and feeds.
My Cetus came with genuine gates G2 belts (good) which have higher aramid fiber content than some of the no-name belts, which means tougher/less stretch, more reliable.