
我收到了我的cetus3d mk2非扩展2天。前4个印刷品非常好,我很惊讶这是这台机器的工作。


我正在使用 Upstudio 软件和灯丝样本。



我在同一时间左右得到了我的打印机,我有同样的问题。打印机大约一个小时左右,然后停止工作。第一个打印是完美的。它正在发生.4和.2 mm的喷嘴。在这个问题开始后解开它们可能会损坏PTFE衬里,但问题没有在那里开始。


我在vids中注意到,您链接的第一个链接具有安装在所提供的支架中的灯丝引导管,第二个视频没有。将灯丝达到喷嘴有时是疼痛,导管长度可以产生太长的问题。引导管越长,灯丝摩擦引导管壁的摩擦越高,并且通过降低可用扭矩来使电动机减少。I’m using a guide tube of 75mm’s (3inches) and feeding the filament to the guide tube with the least amount of resistance, you should be able to effortlessly pull the filament off the filament roll.

You may have a problem with excess heat. If the fan is not properly cooling the upper steel part of the nozzle then there can be some filament melting and depositing along the upper walls of the nozzle.

The diameter of the filament can also be an issue and if the filament is more oval than round there will be issues at the extruder.

I’ll try and help you guys, let me know how things are going once you check for the above possibilities.



Technology Salad


first thank you and you are right, the guide tube is a problem and I didn’t use a filament holder.

One more problem was the filament sample from Cetus. I am using now Geeetech PLA white and black, it was working really good for the first 500g. Then I stopped 2 weeks of printing and the clicking of the extruder is back. The printer got some problems with the correct filament output. The clicking happens with layer 3 and after layer 11-12 the clicking is gone (?!).

You know how I fix the cooling problem? I see in the software that the temperature of nozzle is dropping of 98%, is this ok?

And one bigger problem is the recalibration after EVERY homing or initialization (starting of the printer). I started with a nozzle height of 192mm and now is it a 181.5mm. It is so disturbing and frustrating.

I hope someone can help with these problems!


将灯丝用馈线和喷嘴提升管之间的剪线钳夹住。使用带有打印机随附的凸耳扳手拆下喷嘴。随着电源关闭,步进器可以自由转动。 Push out the stump of wadded up filament, in the normal feed direction. It will have a balled up clump of melt on it, which is what prevents it from withdrawing.

Replace the nozzle. I’m using the 0.2 mm nozzle while I wait for DHL to deliver the replacements. It might be possible to salvage the old nozzle but heating it to filament melt temperature and then… clean it out somehow. I haven’t tried this yet.

Why did the nozzle clog? In my case, an accumulation of clumsy abuse is most likely, like dropping the Z-axis harshly by turning off the power. Most recently for me, the rafts of two parts overlapped in several places. The nozzle crashed through some already laid lines as it printed. I should have stopped and restarted that print, but didn’t. Simple wear might do it also.

Best regards.

嘿嘿,我发现挤出机步进在长打印时间内变得相当热,钢安装支架,螺钉等。一种非常常见的原因,喷嘴堵塞的原因是冷却一旦打印完成,我的意思是,如果在打印完成后立即关闭电源,喷嘴的上部不正常冷却,因此是灯丝will become soft, partially melt or even completely melt into the available space where the ptfe tube fits into the assembly effectively creating a ‘filament stuck’ situation. I was noticing, with my rig, there was not enough filament available when the print job initializes and lays down that short line of filament before moving to the object start location. I started allowing the nozzle temp to drop below 100c before powering off, ever since starting that practice there’s always enough filament for the all the print-job processes and nozzle clogging is a thing of the past.

Hope that helps someone…cheers,



0.2mm喷嘴和0.4 mm喷嘴在2-5打印后堵塞....






After this I tried another PLA, the nozzle clogged instantly and currently can’t be unclogged again… .

Any idea, how to prevent this from happening… .

Using one way nozzles can’t be the way… .

sincerly Karsten


