阅读其他人的帖子,我也有和他们一样的问题,在尝试了所有的建议后,花了足够的钱在另一台打印机上更换挤出机几次,也更换了大量的喷嘴。我的打印机是Cetus3D扩展Mk II,带有加热床和GeckoTek Ez-Stick热表面。我通常使用0.4喷嘴,从来没有能够让0.2工作,当我用完0.4喷嘴时,我使用0.6喷嘴。最初我的打印机是防弹的,日复一日地打印得很好,任何品牌的灯丝,新的和旧的。它只是可靠地工作,但在过去的一年里,它可靠地堵塞,而不是迫使我更换喷嘴。我在我的机器上没有mod,除了一个电缆指南,以保持彩虹电缆在顶部丢失或捕捉在垂直轨道上,我只使用cetus软件v2.2.28.44在Windows 7 64bit上。无论如何,它通常打印良好,当清洗挤出机齿轮和新喷嘴安装和良好干燥的灯丝。有时如果打印很小,它会完成,但较大的打印或许多打印,它无法在打印过程中挤出,导致以下结果:






实际上,当打印失败时,它通常是在挤压层中有很多空隙的地方,就像密集的大面积支撑或填充图案。如果它是一个平坦的固体层,打印通常是可靠的。但我不是一直打印立方体,需要有机模型打印和非常复杂的单件形状。< / p >

Plus even with the heated bed I need to use rafts to get good start layer adhesion but you can see here that is fine and it failed about 12mm up the support structures and none appear to have been bent over its all fairly solid. I do notice removing supports structures and raft especially can be difficult as they fuse to the model more than they should. I hope you can improve support building in your software and increase bottom layer thickness on models so they are stronger and dont delaminate as if they were the raft boundary. Direct printing to build surface without raft rarely works as it either doesnt lay a strong layer or starts to peel at a corner of the model, so I rely on rafts to get reliable prints and reduce waste.

I want to get back to the early days of my printer where I could put ANY PLA filament in and and model and it just printed perfectly on the default PLA setting for weeks on end non stop. I do a LOT of printing and the Cetus is my only printer I’ve been able to rely on. I also have a physical disability where my left arm doesnt work so constant adjustment and tweaking needed with other printers wont solve my need. The Cetus is pretty much perfect and I know it can work reliably but since mine no longer does with even well dried new filaments with a new extruder and nozzle.

考虑到以上所有情况,我想知道是否软件或固件设置我们无法调整,或者主板问题是问题的根源,如果它会再次出现在Mk III的轨道上,当它可用时。在这之前,它的质量和可靠性都非常好。我不知道它是什么时候开始的,也不知道是否有任何变化可能导致了它。我知道这可能不是一个足够好的解释来准确诊断问题并找到解决方案。打印机在我的客厅里,所以它周围有良好的清洁空气,没有宠物、孩子或吸烟者等,全年的环境温度相当舒适(没有空调)。< / p >


Btw, I’ve only once tried TPU rubber filament which was too soft to push through extruder and never used ABS. I’ve only used PLA and bought many brands from ebay as well as good quality local brands and its been very consistent with all of them. The cheapest ebay generic stuff works but strings and blobs often. Local brands have given me the best results in finish like X3D and Aurum. ESun I would rate about 40%, usuable but not great finish. And like I said at the start I go through a lot of new clean nozzles often, three this weekend just trying to get this one model printed, so you can appreciate how frustrating this has become. I dont want to give up on the cetus as I havent experienced another printer that can compete on reliability with minimal maintenance (important for me with only one arm).

< / p >


底线是鲸鱼的缩回比挤压多。可能是挤出机的控制精度和/或软件收缩设置。< / p >

For simple prints where its mostly constantly extruding its fine but when the slice is densely complex requiring rapid extrude/retract cycles the two arent even, the retracts outweigh the extrudes so the filament ends up an inch backed up and so the nozzle doesnt have plastic to extrude and whats inside starts to burn causing a clog problem cooling down and changing filament cant fix. slide a piece of sponge onto the filament and you see it normally reaches the extruder top as it should and sometimes pops back when a retraction happens again normal. but when model requires rapid extrude/retract/extrude cycles the eretractions cause the foam to end up an inch away from top of extruder, demonstrating its going backwards and not forwards. therefore stops extruding.

< / p >

嗨,你解决这个问题了吗?< / p >< / p >

可以确认几个星期以来的一些问题。也许是软件更新改变了设置?有没有任何cetus官员可以确认这个问题和/或有一个解决方案?< / p >< / p >

在改变灯丝类型时,我经历了几次堵塞,即PLA到PETG vis-à-vis。我能够解决这个问题,通过加热喷嘴通过挤压功能在UP工作室没有灯丝。我只是将温度设置为灯丝需要的温度,我使用的PETG是250℃。它会融化并开始从喷嘴流出。我这样做3或4次,以冲洗旧灯丝。当我放入PLA时,我保持PETG的温度并进行挤出,当PLA出来时,它就完成了。< / p >

我从来没有解决过,赛图斯也从来没有一个有效的解决办法。我给了他们我的模型,他们说打印出来很好,但没有给我照片,所以不知道。我只有一只工作臂(身体残疾,不是精神残疾),不小心掉了打印机,重新尝试和新的支持人员做同样的事情,所以我的mk2已经死了,我无法修复< / p >

我很乐意帮助你@sil我愿意为您修理打印机和您遇到的问题。你能上传一张你的打印机当前状态的照片,并简要描述一下你所看到的损坏情况吗?我有一个精密机械车间和电子实验室,我也是残疾人,但对我来说,我每天都经历着多年前一场车祸带来的剧烈疼痛。< / p >

我会尽快帮你打印的!< / p >

布兰特< / p >


我认为你的灯丝在到达喷嘴的热区之前就已经太热了。你会惊讶有多少热量被困在挤出机电机顶部的电子帽子下面。看起来像蓝色的物体,你的线束指南也有助于在挤出机电机温度更高,然后过热灯丝之前的齿轮。我建议去掉蓝色支架/导轨和电子帽子,并尝试用干净的喷嘴打印,以排除过热的挤出机电机。< / p >

布兰特< / p >
