我最近买了一个上升300.在打印任何东西之前,我通过校准然后打印校准部分并进行调整。校准部分打印完全减去一个非常小的尺寸误差。然后,我用打印机附带的Tiertime Abs打印了一部分,我从Witheriverse下载,它是完美的。接下来,我用另一个制造商的ABS灯丝设计了12小时的东西。打印很棒,但我无法删除木筏。从那以后,这是一场巨大的战斗。当我用筏子打印时,筏棒令人惊讶地贴在构建板上,但部分本身在印刷和经线期间开始从角落的筏子剥离。我尝试没有筏子的打印,第一层甚至不会粘在铸造板上。为什么筏子粘得很好地粘在板上,但是没有木筏印刷的第一层没有?我现在非常沮丧。 I’ve been printing for a few years now and the experience I’m having at the moment is reminding me of the frustration I went through when I first started printing with a $200 printer. The difference is, I had low expectations for that printer and paid about $2000 less for it.



是的,它翘起了筏子,容易剥离了。我经历了整个500g的tiertime abs spool,只有几个成功的印刷品。昨天我决定基本上重置一切并重新开始。我让打印机进行自动校准和喷嘴检测,我没有手动调整任何东西。我连续两个大多数成功的打印。还有一些翘曲,表面饰面是可怕的。今天我将对热门终端温度进行一些调整,因为这不是TT灯丝,看看我是否可以得到更多的改进。哦,我昨天在混合中扔了另一个变量。我用鲶鱼昨天切成了模特。我尝试为ABS创建一个新的材料配置文件,但我想要任何运气改变温度设置。 I’m going to have to either figure that out or go back to Up Studio and try it again. Since I changed multiple things at once I need to pick one slicer and then only change one variable at a time to try to get to the root cause.


我发现55C环境内部是我可以在翘曲之前最低的内部成为ESUN ABS和ASA的问题。从打印机盖子的顶部拍摄测量100mm。然而,我换来的绝缘意味着它现在对TiVertime品牌灯丝太热,挤出机的冷端会变得太热,它会堵塞。把毛巾扔在机器上(以自己的风险),因为这对我来说是临时修复的伎俩。


Be aware that the motors in there have magnetic rotor cores that are typically rated to 85c. Higher than that can result in them loosing their magnetic strength over time. So don’t let it get too hot.

Thank you, this helps quite a bit. It was definitely nowhere near that temperature in the room while I was printing. It did seem to help when I left it preheat for 1/2-hour to an hour before I started. I think I may eventually go with insulating the interior, as you did, but I’m going to give covering it a shot to see if I can get some better results that way. Thanks again!

I threw a blanket over my printer and was able to get some pretty decent ABS prints. Did you add insulation to the interior of yours or did you add it to the exterior?



Atm I’m looking at upgrading to a e3d Titan aqua or Titan aero extruder since now I can’t print tiertime brand filament without opening the lid as the extruder cold end gets too hot.

The stock tiertime extruder is just not reliable with esun filament and it just jams too often. I want to be able to use the esun filament reliably for large quick prototyping prints without costing a fortune in 3x the price tiertime filament.

Perfect! That’s almost exactly what I was picturing. Obviously, I have almost no print time on mine and don’t have any temperature data at all, but my successful print was with Zyltech ABS when I covered the printer. I don’t know what country you’re in and what shipping costs would be for you but they have very reasonably priced filament. I haven’t been able to print their ABS until now but their PLA and PETG have always printed great for me.


Where I live I pay 20.0usd for esun ABS and 60.0usd per kg of tiertime filament.


我有一个盒子,经营很多eSun ABS以及ColorFabb XT。我没有使用它的储物挤出机与它的储物机没有任何问题,现在标记为上升300的“ABS”挤出机。

You’re right, the cold end of the extruder throat area does get too hot as well as the stepper motor heat transfer, to print lower temperature materials like PLA and even PETG for more than a few hours.
I retrofit the PLA nozzle heater and it’s heatsink to my ABS extruder along with the PLA extruder cover and larger fan that Tiertime use, when I print these lower temperature materials, it works a lot better especially for longer prints, but definitely makes a difference.



我在UP300上没有多少钱。我有一个prusa i3 mk2,而且我更宁愿使用它,并在我可以帮助它时避免upstudio。让不要潜入这里的蠕虫,哈哈 - 我已经讨论了另一个线程的长度的主题。

So frankly I’m not too sure why I’m having a low success rate.

  1. filament has contamination in the plastic
  2. 它在存储/使用(我的故障)之间受到污染
  3. 温热的设计不可能以某种方式可靠。

Most likely its no.2 but after having had a spool that should have never passed esun quality control (0.5mm diameter to 1.75mm) I wonder if no. 1 is possible since I’m very aware of how I store the spools and have a separate storage box for them.




I just did the surfaces I could get to which was all of them with some effort. Took me a afternoon.





So I went ahead and did a thing yesterday…

我甲肝病毒e insulation on the way. Oh, and also a Duet 2 WiFi. I’m not going back to the 80’s and use a command line driven piece of software to run what was supposed to be a workhorse type printer.


看起来太棒了!你把整件事下来吗?我甲肝病毒en’t worked out how to do it quiet that far yet.


I’m still getting regular nozzle clogs, its just not reliable at all - Looking at getting a titan aero from E3D to build my own bolt in extruder - I’d make up a connector for it so that it becomes a drop in replacement.
At that point, I could go further, and get the water cooled hotend, and if I do that, might as well water cool all the stepper motors too. It’d be able to do ABS properly even the largest of parts with zero warping. Its a real empty spot in the market, there’s no printers that I can find out there with full enclosures rated to high temperatures internally.

听起来不错。如果那些将机器转换为GCODE SPACHINEIEWARE打印机,我正在仔细查看我的CPU

I’m surprised you’re getting clogs. I’ve never really got any on any machine. Machine sure you’re using quality material I guess with a dust particle filter inline to keep ditritus out the hot-end assembly.

There are high end FDM printers out there Aimed at professional users that have chambers that get up to 90°C for the use of printing high-end engineering materials such as PEEK and PEI.

…I’m trying to turn my UP Box into this a little. I’ve added a chamber heater that gets it around 50°C for large ABS prints.
